I have to say that reading English novel is not in the list of the hobby that I have. I love reading novels, but malays novels. The last English novel I read was Catch Us If You Can because it will come out in th exam.
Luckily teacher showed us the movie first, at least I know what to expect from the novel when teacher said the theme is similar.When I read the first chapter, I notice that western will always be western, they live freely, they are too open minded. What differs us from them is that we are guided by our religion on what we can do and what we cannot do.We have rules to folllow,
Saturday, 8 June 2013
Sunday, 26 May 2013
Control Freak (3B)
We are progressing now. As the main project we have to finish reading Control freak and also watch Freaky Friday. Teacher said that we understand the generation gap more by understanding both book and the film. Still struggling to finish this novel. Hopefully I can understand my parent more better after this.
Wednesday, 10 April 2013
Knowing English bring a lot of advantages. We can improve our english by mixing with people who can speak well.Do we have tha kind of people in our school?Or are we the ones who are good(Mood self-praised wink wink wink)
Wednesday, 3 April 2013
This article really opens my eyes and understanding about friendship. This exist in our lives but we rarely notice this.
"a friend is humble and is
willing to swallow their pride and apologize when they
realize they have done
something wrong"
If only all of us can be humble and willing to do this, I think friendship will remain forever. As human, not easy for us to admit our wrong doing because of our pride.In reality, this needs to practice because we will be accepted openly by our friends.
Tuesday, 2 April 2013
This article is written by a teacher but when we read this, we noticed that this apply directly to us, students. Holidays....hulala
Monday, 25 February 2013
Should PARENTS play SNOOP? 3C
First reading, I do not agree with this article. Of course I want my own privacy. Enough of being controlled by my parents in daily life, not in the online life. But, after our discussion, I think parents need to play their part too. They need to monitor us, for our own benefit.
Tuesday, 19 February 2013
Parents Abuse Children? (3B)
I like this article. Simple language used and the issue...I like. We associate abuse with "inflicting physical injuries". But not in this article. It is emotional side. Something that we cannot see physically but the scar remains in our heart. I think this kind of abuse is more hurt than the physical abuse.
Saturday, 9 February 2013
The School -A3C
The School
by Donald Barthelme downloaded from http://www.npr.org/programs/death/readings/stories/bart.html
You should read this. This story tell us how school become a place for the students to learn new things and to understand about life. There are many things that students can learn at school, even the things that we do not expected them to learn at school.It is interesting to know how school can become a magic place.
Friday, 8 February 2013
Have You Written It Down(A3B)
I get an interesting story from http://www.shortbreadstories.co.uk/story/view/have_you_written_it_down/#axzz2KJQIMdgs. But first, you need to be the member of shortbreadstories, dont have to worry, it is free. You will amaze to find the stories, they are all interesting.
This story is about a man (name not given, i guess it is the writer himself) who does not like old folks. His job as an alarm installer finally meet him with a few old folks who are alone at home. He listen to their stories and keep asking them, "Have you written it down?" and the answer he will get,"who will read it?". Finally, he begin to love old people.
I think this is interesting. This teaches us to value old people, they have a loy of stories that we do not know.
This story is about a man (name not given, i guess it is the writer himself) who does not like old folks. His job as an alarm installer finally meet him with a few old folks who are alone at home. He listen to their stories and keep asking them, "Have you written it down?" and the answer he will get,"who will read it?". Finally, he begin to love old people.
I think this is interesting. This teaches us to value old people, they have a loy of stories that we do not know.
Isn't It Strange ? (A3D)
Short Story : Isn’t It Strange
Isn’t it strange? by Maclean Patrick
Isn’t it strange?
I look out through the glass panel, there’s an old man fussing with his umbrella. The man with the funny haircut crosses the street, avoiding the puddle but getting splash on at the curb. A couple duck under a doorway to take refuge, her mascara muddling her face as she turns to seek sympathy from her boyfriend; who seems preoccupied with his leather shoes being wet.
Isn’t it strange?
An old lady on a first floor window pulling in her laundry only to have her flower printed blouse fall down, blanketing the young man preoccupied with his wet leather shoes. The funny haircut man avoids another splash only to jump into the old man with his half opened umbrella. A funny scene that makes the mascara muddled young girl laugh. And I watch all this from inside a café, waiting for my coffee and a piece of apple pie.
“You want ice-cream on the pie?” I am asked.
“No thanks,” I reply.
Isn’t it strange?
The wet splashed on man apologizes to the old man with the half opened umbrella and in turn, both men get splashed on at the curb. The young mascara muddled face lady reaches over to help wet leather shoe boyfriend take the flower printed blouse off his head, only to have him trip forward and fall into a puddle. Now leather shoes are wet along with his tailored suit.
Now that is strange.
I sit here watching it all, drinking my coffee and wondering should I add ice-cream onto my apple pie.
“Do you have chocolate?” I asked.
“Vanilla would taste nicer,” he nods while telling me.
“It won’t taste that strange with chocolate, right?”
“Strange? No, but I’ve never seen anyone eat it with chocolate before.”
I smile, “There’s always a first time.”
“Now, isn’t that strange?”
“What?” I asked.
The waiter stares out through the glass panel.
“That old man with the broken umbrella is the father of that woman with the messed up makeup. And that young man, the one who knocked the old man is the brother of the woman’s boyfriend.”
I look out through the glass panel, “What about the old woman on the first floor?”
“That’s my mother.”
“Now, isn’t that strange.”
I took vanilla with the apple pie and the waiter was right, it did go well with the pie.
A3A, I get thsi story from the link that you give to us, i think this is a very interesting story, the ending surprises me. I don't know whether to laugh or what. I think, this writer is a creative one, he write something that we had to think and think to understand. What do you think?
Main Project: Reading and Blogging (A3A)
Hello girls, this is the big project for 2013. Start reading and start posting.I will share with you, the story I read.The title was "The Silent Whisper" written by Maclean Patrick.
The characters: A man
The spirit ( a lady)
The plot : It is about a man who is not afraid of the dark but afraid of 3 am.When 3 am comes, he hears the whisper although he covered his ears.The whisper is from a lady who asked him to follow her. He didnt want to follow her and he will listen to the whisper evry night. The spirit went back to her place when morning come and she was jealous of her friends because they success to get a soul to bring back to their place.The woman vowed that one day the man will follow him because death always wins.
You can read this at http://macleanpatrick.wordpress.com/2010/04/22/short-story-the-silent-whisper/
The characters: A man
The spirit ( a lady)
The plot : It is about a man who is not afraid of the dark but afraid of 3 am.When 3 am comes, he hears the whisper although he covered his ears.The whisper is from a lady who asked him to follow her. He didnt want to follow her and he will listen to the whisper evry night. The spirit went back to her place when morning come and she was jealous of her friends because they success to get a soul to bring back to their place.The woman vowed that one day the man will follow him because death always wins.
You can read this at http://macleanpatrick.wordpress.com/2010/04/22/short-story-the-silent-whisper/
Feel the goosebumps when reading this.
Wednesday, 16 January 2013
The Kelantan Football Association (Malay: Persatuan Bolasepak Kelantan) is a team that plays in the Malaysian football representing the state of Kelantan, Malaysia. The team is based in the city of Kota Bharu, Kelantan, Malaysia. They are currently playing in the top division in Malaysian football, the Malaysia Super League. Their home stadium is Sultan Mohammad IV Stadium in Kota Bharu, Kelantan, Malaysia.
Kelantan has won major trophies in Malaysian football, including Super League and Malaysia Cup. The team won the Malaysia Cup in 2010, Malaysian League Division II title in 2000, and finished runners-up in the Malaysia Cup in 1955, 1970 and 2009.
During the 2007-08 season, Kelantan FA had their large supporter attendance improved with home stadium, the Sultan Mohammad IV Stadium packed during the . It also boost a considerably high attendance at away games. The results are seen as Kelantan FA were unbeatable at home during the 2007-08 Malaysia Premier League season. Kelantan FA only home loss of the season was to Malaysia Super League side Terengganu FA during the 2007-08 Malaysia Cup which Kelantan FA lost 1-0.
In 2012 season, Kelantan clinched their second successive Malaysia Super League titles in style after thrashing Perak 6-0 at Sultan Mohammad IV Stadium. 3 goals from Indra Putra Mahayuddin and 1 goals each from Mohammed Ghaddar, Badri Radzi and Nurul Azwan Roya were enough for the defending champions to top the league again, regardless of the outcome in their two remaining matches.[1]
The current coach, Bojan Hodak, has won 3 major honours since he took over in April 2012.
Kelantan FA has a long-standing rivalry with neighbours Terengganu FA, with whom it regularly contests the East Coast Derby.
Japan earthquake: Tsunami hits north-east
11 March 2011 Last updated at 22:24 GMT
The quake hit at 1446 local time (0546 GMT) and this is how the disaster unfolded
Japan's most powerful earthquake since records began has struck the north-east coast, triggering a massive tsunami.Cars, ships and buildings were swept away by a wall of water after the 8.9-magnitude tremor, which struck about 400km (250 miles) north-east of Tokyo.
A state of emergency has been declared at a nuclear power plant, where pressure has exceeded normal levels.
Officials say 350 people are dead and about 500 missing, but it is feared the final death toll will be much higher.
In one ward alone in Sendai, a port city in Miyagi prefecture, 200 to 300 bodies were found.
The quake was the fifth-largest in the world since 1900 and nearly 8,000 times stronger than the one which devastated Christchurch, New Zealand, last month, said scientists.
Thousands of people living near the Fukushima nuclear power plant have been ordered to evacuate.
Japanese nuclear officials said pressure inside a boiling water reactor at the plant was running much higher than normal after the cooling system failed.
Officials said they might need to deliberately release some radioactive steam to relieve pressure, but that there would be no health risk.
US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton had earlier said the US Air Force had flown emergency coolant to the site.
But US officials later said no coolant had been handed over because the Japanese had decided to handle the situation themselves.
The UN's nuclear agency said four nuclear power plants had shut down safely.
Measured at 8.9 by the US Geological Survey, it struck at 1446 local time (0546 GMT) at a depth of about 24km.
The tsunami rolled across the Pacific at 800km/h (500mph) - as fast as a jetliner - before hitting Hawaii and the US West Coast, but there were no reports of major damage from those regions.
Thousands of people were ordered to evacuate coastal areas in the states of California, Oregon and Washington.
The biggest waves of more than 6-7ft (about 2m) were recorded near California's Crescent City, said the Pacific Tsunami Warning Centre.
A tsunami warning extended across the Pacific to North and South America, where many other coastal regions were evacuated, but the alert was later lifted in most parts, including the Philippines, Australia and China.
Strong waves hit Japan's Miyagi and Fukushima prefectures, damaging dozens of coastal communities.
A 10m wave struck Sendai, deluging farmland and sweeping cars across the airport's runway. Fires broke out in the centre of the city.
Why I am Proud to be Muslim
By: Yasin Syed
“The true religion with Allah is Islam. (Qur’an, 3:19).
And whoever desires another religion than Islam, it shall not be accepted of him.” (Qur’an, 3:85)
Islam is a true religion. It is the religion of Allah the Almighty and his beloved Messenger, Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam. Islam is one of the major religions of the world, with Muslims making 20% of the total population of the world. It is also one of the fastest growing religions in the world. These are some of the several reasons for which I am proud to be a Muslim.
Islam is a complete way of life. The Holy Qur’an and the Hadith teach us how to live a civilized life. Islam teaches us purity and encourages cleanliness. It teaches us respect towards our parents and elders. It teaches us to help the less fortunate, by giving alms and charity to them. There is equality in Islam. All Muslims are equal in the eyes of Allah, whether they are Arabs, African or Indian. There is unity among Muslims. Each Muslim helps his fellow Muslim brother. These beautiful attributes of Islam make me proud to be a Muslim.
The most important reason for which I am proud of Islam is the Holy Prophet, Muhammad Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam. Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam is the greatest prophet of Allah. There is not a single prophet or a man that can match the qualities of our beloved Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam. He was a preacher, a statesman and a ruler. His sunnah is the best example a Muslim can follow. He is still considered the greatest leader by many non-Muslims in the West.
Islam has also had a huge influence on the entire world. This is another important reason that makes me proud of Islam. Muslim scientists and scholars formed the basis of the European Renaissance. Muslim mathematicians and scientists were important contributors to medicine, technology and philosophy. Islamic medicine and science influenced Europe greatly during the fifteenth century.
Muslims should be proud of their religion. They should not be embarrassed to be Muslims. Allah the Almighty says in the Holy Qur’an, “You are the best of the nations raised up for (the benefit of) mankind; you enjoin what is right and forbid the wrong and believe in Allah.” (3:110)
Muslims are the best nation created by Allah. We were created in the best stature and will remain so, as long as we obey Allah. He says in the Qur’an, “Surely, we created man of the best stature; Then we reduced him to the lowest of low; Except such as believe and do righteous deeds. For they shall have a reward unfailing.” (95:4-6)
The companions of Rasulullah Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam were proud of being Muslims. For this reason, they were able to defeat the non-believers and were able to conquer so many parts of the world. They did not hide themselves in a corner, afraid to declare their faith. They were proud of their religion. An excellent example of this display of Muslim pride was Abu Dharr Ghifari. He accepted Islam at a time when Muslims were being tortured and persecuted. After accepting Islam, the Holy Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam told him not to tell anyone in Makkah about his acceptance of Islam because the non-believers might kill him. But Abu Dharr vowed to proclaim his faith. He told the Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam that he would go to the Sacred Mosque and proclaim his faith. The Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam remained silent. Later, he went to the Holy Ka’ba, where the Quraish were sitting and talking. He called out in a loud voice, “O people of Quraish, I testify that there is no god but Allah and that Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah.” Immediately, they jumped on him and began to beat him cruelly. But Hadrat Abbas, the Prophet’s uncle saw him and told the Quraish to stop beating him up, since he belonged to the Ghifar tribe of Syria and his death could end the trade between Syria and Makkah.
This sahabi had so much pride in his religion that he announced it in front of his enemies, even at the risk of his life. We should be proud of our religion. We are not supposed to hide our faith unless our lives are in danger like the time when Muslims were being persecuted in Makkah. But once they had the strength to defend themselves, they spread their religion. They took the message of Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam to different people and different kings. They were proud of their religion because they knew that Islam was and is the truth. They knew that their duty was to spread Islam.
I am proud to be a Muslim and I feel that Muslims should be proud of their religion. They should display their faith and should be proud to be a part of this beautiful religion called Islam.
The Holy Qur’an
The Holy Qur’an
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