Wednesday, 18 April 2012

The Fruitcake Special- Theme

The story shows that one must be able to differentiate between what is superficial love and what is the true love. Superficial love may look attractive, with lots of fun and entertainment but it does not have value or depth as seen in the characters David Amos and Sabina. True love, however, takes time to grow but it is ever-lasting as seen in the actions and triumph of Armstrong. This is the true ingredient, not the one found in the fruitcake. After all, the old lady had seven husbands and that could not have been true love. Anna, too, was patient enough to wait and she got something priceless at the end. ~Fatwa (A)


  1. Fatwa..can you differentiate between fake and true love???

  2. True love- Someone who really loves you will stay with you during the good and the bad times. They will love you for what you are on the inside. They won't use you for your money or body. And they will respect you.

    Fake love- fake love is usually when somebody just uses you for your body, money, possesions, power, etc. They don't care about you, they only care about the things that you can give them or help them to achieve. Fatwa -(A)
